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Thursday, June 3, 2010

Shin-Sheen Soo-Cha Choo

The Tribe dropped a narrow 12-6 decision today to Journey's Detroit Tigers. Choo, Korean superstar and fantasy baseball team member, led the mighty Parma Pounders with 2, count them 2, doubles. Yes, I said doubleS. Valbuena, meaning "good val" in English, also led the mighty offensive attack with 1 double. Noted one-hit phenom Armando Galarraga did not pitch today. He pitched yesterday.

The Solon Sultans fell to 19-33 after today's buzzer-beating loss, and only 11.5 GB of Prince's Minnesota Twins. The Tribe and Justin Masterson travel to play Vince Vaughn's Chicago White Sox. Masterson is 0-5. I predict he will be 3-5 by the end of the weekend.

Stuff you should know: 2014 Heisman Trophy winner Braxton Miller signed with Ohio State today...Paul Warfield retired from his job in Browns' front office. Warfield also played football...Today's rumored Cavs' new coach: Byron Scott.

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