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Monday, May 31, 2010

Welcome to June and to my blog

The Tribe escaped the month of May with an impressive winning percentage of .367, a robust record of 18-31, and 11.5 GB of the lowly Twins. Today, the Solon Soldiers lost 11-2 thanks to the orange A-Rod, his grand slam, and his 6 RBI (Kate Hudson was impressed).

The Westlake Warriors travel to Eminem's Detroit to face the Tigers and Jeremy Bonderman tomorrow. Jakey W. is set to start for the Cuyahoga Chiefs.

Leaders as of today...Avg: Kearns .294, HR: Choo 7, RBI: Choo 25, ERA: Carmona 3.69

Other stuff you should know: No Grady for 6 weeks b/c he had surgery on his beautiful, beautiful knee...Jim Brown was kind of fired as a "special advisor" to the Browns (I have applied for this new vacancy...and Lebron has not yet resigned with the Cavs.

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