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Monday, February 28, 2011

Goodyear Isn't Big Enough For Both of Us

Everyone's favorite Tribe rebounded from their spring training debut loss to punish the lowly Reds. The Indians' 12-0 win over the Reds is clearly a sign of things to come for the Tribe. If able to continue their avg of 12 runs per game, they will score an MLB-record 1,944 runs. I will revisit this prediction in October.

Fausto Carmona was pulled at 2 innings and giving up a hit. Travis Buck scored 3 runs, had 3 hits, and added a home run. Jason Kipnis, a Columbus-bound 2nd base prospect, also homered for the good team.

Antwan Jamison, ex-Tar Heel and current nice person, broke his finger in the Cavs' 95-91 loss to Philly last night. Poor kid needs surgery and is probably out for the year.

The NFL Draft combine is going on in Indy this. I have a feeling that the Browns' reps are there, but I hope they are only watching Green from Georgia. The NFL combine is a week long gathering of muscley college-aged guys running around in skin-tight outfits to impress older men that are there to evaluate and then pay them millions.

Saturday, February 26, 2011

My triumphant return

I gave up this art of writing incredibly entertaining and educational blogs past summer due to well, laziness. however, as i enter my final semester of grad school everything is in slow motion for me. the tribe are in the midst of spring training down in goodyear, az, the browns are licking their wounds after a disappointing season and looking forward to the draft, the cavs have won 3 of 5 after a 2-month long losing streak, and the buckeyes hoops team is really good.

i am trying my best to rededicate myself to this art...maybe pass it off to a reputable site and hope to maybe be published. anyways, thank u for reading, please subscribe, and as always, i don't really care if you enjoy my blog...its my hobby.